Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stoned Again

I had a fun ride at LNSP last night with two of my co-workers, Bob and Jeff. The weather was perfect, mid 80's low humidity, one of those nights where you feel that you can ride forever...

I was talking with Cathy before calling it a night, and I noticed a pain in my back on the lower left side. I told her I couldn't remember anything I had done that may have strained my lower back. Tossing and turning in bed, I came to the realization that I had a kidney stone. I medicated myself with Tylenol PM, hopeful of some relief. It didn't help very much.

I was very fortunate that this wasn't as bad as the case that hospitalized me some 6 years ago. Felling better around noon today, hopefully it has passed and won't be an issue. Besides, working from home, I seem to accomplish so much more than at the office.

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