This past Saturday my mother celebrated her 79th birthday. It was a fun evening as my sister Barb, her son Danny (and a buddy, Collin) drove in from
My mom was born to John and Minnie Leister on August 23, 1929 in
Mom is in great health. She had a tune up a few years back (Oct 2001 - bypass surgery and replacement of a leaky valve) and until recently, she has been very active. A bad ankle has slowed her mobility but hasn’t seemed to have daunted her spirit. Surgery has been discussed as a possibility, but for now she’s going to try and continue to work through it, have an occasional cortisone cocktail and move on.
Travis is back at school, starting his sophomore year at Appalachian State University. His dorm room is a palatial suite compared to last years cramped conditions. He’s the perfect ASU student and he’s very excited about his classes which started Tuesday (Aug 26). The three time National Champions have their work cut out for them as they play LSU in their season opener this weekend. I wouldn’t be looking for miracles like last year at
Lyndsay continues to excel at her job at Suntrust Bank and she’s developing a good friend base in
n together in
Cathy’s oldest son, Brian, moved in with me at the end of July. He is a rising senior at NC State (chemical engineering) and he has taken a position as an intern with National Gypsum. He has been the perfect room mate, he cleans up after himself, enjoys a good beer and we share the Daily Show together. Unfortunately for his mom, we seems to share the same warped sense of humor.
Speaking of warped, Cathy’s middle son, Brad is back at NC State, where he is studying the “Philosophy of Law”. Now that’s what everyone needs when the law tightens it’s grip on you – a philosopher. He’ll make something out of it, as he’s clever and creative. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Brent, Cathy’s 16 year old has started his junior year at TC Roberts in
Cathy and I visited (Michelle) took her office to a seminar at a Ritz Carlton. Let me tell you, this has got to be the hottest place on the face of the earth! Hell has nothing on this place! I felt like as if I was melting the entire weekend. As a matter of fact, a young lady (an exchange student from
I just finished reading Big Russ & Me by the late Tim Russert. It was an exceptional read discussing the relationship between father and son. Big Russ was also a depression era kid and his influence on his son was played put continuously in the story. One of my favorite parts of the book concerned Father John Sturm, a Catholic Priest that was the Prefect of Discipline in young Tim’s high school. His motto was “Mercy is for God. I deliver justice”. Somewhere along the line I think that we as a country have lost sight of teaching our children respect for their elders and for the world around them. “Spare the rod, spoil the child” seemed to be my dad’s motto when I was growing up. And to a certain point, my kids were raised the same way. Maybe I was a little hard on my kids, but they have both grown to be exceptional young adults and I feel that they are well on their way to a successful life. Maybe kids need a little more of Father Sturm and a little less coddling from their parents.