“The man that needs a vacation is the man that is just getting off a vacation”. A truer statement has never been muttered. Here it is, the 22nd of July and I’m finally getting around to updating the end of what proved to be one really fun visit to the Philly area.
On Saturday morning, Cathy and I stumbl out of bed and wolf down a quick breakfast, then join Barb and Les

Our ride started with an agonizing 1/3 mile climb up a fall line trail to a ridge above the park. I remembered making this climb with Travis an

We returned to the park area, met Les and Barb, retuned to the house, wolfed down some lunch then hit the road to Citizens Bank Part to catch a Phillies game. We were lucky enough to pick the steamiest day of the year, which also just happened to be Italian Heritage Day at the park.
As a formerly HUGE baseball fan, it was really fun to slip back into the game and to see Randy Johnso

Having enough of the blow-out (and the heat and the cost of beverages) we packed it in and headed back to the Xponential Music Festival, arriving just in time for o

Amos Lee was next up and Cathy and I took a break and cruised the festival grounds in anticipation of Michael Franti and Spearhead, the evening’s headliner. We had seen Franti and his band a year ago in Asheville and the man can really put on a show, his enormous height (well over six feet) is an imposing figure on the stage. His talent as a songwriter, especially his passionate pleas for a much need peace, Franti commands your attention. His dancing and twirling from such a tall man is fun to see.
After what was a really long day, we left a few songs early and headed to the house to prepare for our return voyage home on Sunday morning. A great, albeit packed vacation had come to an end and Monday morning was looming for all three of us.